It’s official. Plain language + translations = happier consumers

It’s official. Plain language + translations = happier consumers

It’s a grand day when research supports what we know intuitively. For many years we at CEH have been advocating for writing in plain language for translation and were thrilled to see research from Macquarie University that supports what we’ve known from practice...
CEH welcomes funding from NWMPHN for mental health during COVID-19

CEH welcomes funding from NWMPHN for mental health during COVID-19

CEH welcomes additional funding from the NWMPHN to address the mental health issues experienced by people from refugee and migrant backgrounds during COVID-19.  A total of $55,000 will be allocated towards the development of co-designed audio visual resources in five...
Talking Sexual Health this SEXtember!

Talking Sexual Health this SEXtember!

Far too often when it comes to difficult conversations about contraception and safer sex, we talk around it and shy away from the real conversations. Using no contraception, typically 85 in 100 women will get pregnant every year and currently more than 40% of...

Hospitals and Translations Project

Hospitals and Translations CEH was contracted by DHHS to deliver this two year project (2018-2020). CEH conducted consultations with hospital staff and patients in Victorian hospitals to identify challenges and enablers to producing and distributing patient...

Health Literacy Training Courses

Health Literacy Training Courses The majority of Australians have low health literacy. At least 6 out of 10 people you see may have trouble  understanding and using the information you give. This fact has lead to Health literacy being included in the Safety and...

Poetry Slam for Liver Health

Everything you need to know about hepatitis is here In 2012, CEH realised the powerful role poetry could play in conveying health messages to a community. You can read the full report here:  Assessment Report 2012 Background: The arts have been used as an...

Checking existing translations

If you are using existing translated materials, you need to first check whether the content and meaning of the resource is what you are after. Here are some steps to guide you through how to check existing translations. Step 1: Consult with the original producer of...

Reviewing existing translations – checklist

Using existing translated materials may save you time and money, however to use them successfully it is essential that you review and focus test the materials to make sure they are going to have the effect you are hoping for.   Step 1: Consult with the original...