Our Projects
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & HealthOur Projects
Here is a short list of current and past projects that we have undertaken.
The Smile Squad Project
From July to December 2023, with funding from the Victorian Department of Health, CEH spoke with families from refugee communities to seek their views on how to make accessing the Smile Squad program easier. The project involved focus groups, co-design workshops and testing workshops.
CEH Sector Consultation
CEH has been researching what approaches agencies are taking, or considering, to improve access to, and quality of, health and human services to migrants and refugees in Victoria. To access the sector consultation findings or to find out in greater detail, contact us at enquiries@ceh.org.au
Long COVID HELP Website
Designed in partnership with Victorian Department of Health, the Long Covid Help website helps raise awareness about long COVID and its impacts across culturally diverse communities. CLICK HERE to access our translated campaign resources to promote the long COVID website.
Interpreting in Class 1 Emergencies
CEH developed and facilitated workshops for interpreters on how to relay accurate and timely information in Class 1 Emergencies and covered key concepts, a scenario and key symbols and terms. For more information on the project and its impact, click on the link below.
African Womens Media Project
Funded by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, this project oversaw the development of media messages in plain language and community languages for African women in the City of Yarra. The messages covered different issues related to their health & wellbeing.
Project .05
A collaboration with a group of young African people in Fitzroy and Richmond, this VicHealth-funded project was a spectacular success and helped raise awareness about the negative impact of alcohol abuse among the youth. After an incredible year-long journey, the project concluded in May 2023.
Cultural Competence Tools
CEH has developed two online cultural competence tools that organisations and practitioners can use to determine their level of cultural competence and make their services more responsive to communities from migrant and refugee backgrounds. For more information on the tools, click below.
Drop the Jargon Day
Drop the Jargon is an ongoing initiative that brings attention to the language used by workers in the health and human services sector that is often not understood by their clients. It is a day for professionals in Australian health, community services and local government to use plain language which can improve health outcomes.
Health Translations Directory
Health Translations is an online library which enables health practitioners and those working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to easily find free translated health information. It features over 28,000 multilingual resources making it one of the largest resource libraries of its kind.
Hospitals and Translations
Communicating complex health information can be challenging for patients and staff. In 2018, in collaboration with Victorian hospitals, CEH produced a best practice resource for practitioners to use when producing patient health information, including translated Emergency Department messages.
Disability Services Directory
A wealth of tools, tips and resources to help you find professionals and service providers operating in the NDIS and offer services to CALD communities and groups. The directory also provides information about Bilingual Services and popular mainstream media that caters to CALD communities in their language.