How Can We Help?
Project .05 commenced in April 2022 and will conclude in June 2023. It aims to work in partnership with young people of African backgrounds in the City of Yarra to tackle excessive drinking. Funded by VicHealth, CEH collaborated with the City of Yarra and contracted The Seed Network to roll this project out.
Project goals
The project aims to:
- involve young people with personal knowledge and/or experience of harmful alcohol use in designing messages to address problematic drinking and identifying ways to circulate these messages within the community.
- provide training and support to this group of Community Youth Advisors (CYA) and to build their capacity to co-design resources, spread health promotion messages and facilitate group sessions.
What was done?
The project has rolled out a number of initiatives, including:
- Resources: The CYAs designed and produced a t-shirt with alcohol harm-related themes which then was used to spread the important health promotion messages in the community.
- Event: On 30 September 2022 they held a Basketball and Soccer event. This event was organised and led by the CYAs and included cooking, coaching and activities. The event also was an opportunity for CYAs to launch and wear their t-shirt with an alcohol-related message.
- Workshops: A public speaking and acting workshop was delivered by a professional actor to develop facilitation and public speaking skills in young people in this community.
- Videos: Four short videos co-designed by the CYAs and supported by a young Sudanese video maker. Check out the videos below.
- Wrap-up party: The project capped off with a wrap-up party on 29 May attended by young community members and gave CYAs the chance to reinforce the important messages around alcohol harm.

Project .05 videos
Check out the The Seed Network’s Project .05 videos here:
Video 1 – Asking the African community about alcohol awareness
After the public speaking workshops The Seed Network hit the streets to Vox Pop style to ask questions about alcohol awareness.
Video 2 – How Multiculturalism is Transforming AOD and Mental Health Programs in Australia
This interview with Sudanese refugee Anyaak highlights the value of diversity and the benefits it can bring to individuals and society as a whole. Anyaak also notes the importance of this diversity in fields such as AOD and mental health, where it can help to improve understanding and deliver more effective support to a wider range of communities.
Video 3 – How did you guys deal with the drinking culture here?
Aguer Ngor talks about drinking culture in the African community in Australia.
Video 4 – Hitting the streets Vox Pop style to ask questions about Alcohol Awareness!
Highlights of the Vox Pop session about alcohol awareness.

Last reviewed: May 2023
Target audience: General

Resource Type: Social Media Tiles