Disability in CALD Communities
Click on the available options belowFind bilingual professionals and workers
Tools, tips and resources to help you find bilingual health professionals such as general practitioners, psychologists and speech therapists and community workers.
Find services that have bilingual workers
Many organisations employ community workers that are bilingual. These include ethno-specific agencies, settlement services, multicultural organisations, health services and mainstream agencies. In some instances, these workers are employed by an agency and have a second language, which they utilise in their work when required. In other cases, they are employed specifically because of their bilingualism.
The following information, tips and tools can help you locate bilingual workers and CALD community leaders that work within a range of organisations.
Find ethnic media
Ethnic media includes digital media, radio, television, newspapers and any type of publications that cater to ethnic communities. Information is generally provided in-language, which makes ethnic media one of the most effective avenues for disseminating news and information to CALD communities in Australia. Popular providers of ethnic media include SBS, Channel 31, 3ZZZ radio and Africa Media Australia.
Connect with CALD communities
Links and partnerships with CALD groups, organisations and community leaders are vital to increasing your understanding about different communities and in facilitating effective engagement with CALD groups. By connecting and collaborating with key agencies and stakeholders, you will be more effective in reaching CALD communities and addressing service access barriers.
Here you’ll find information, ideas and tips to help you identify and connect with CALD community organisations, groups and associations, networks, bilingual professionals and community leaders.
Find resources to help you work with CALD communities
This section provides links to data and statistics on CALD communities as well as a range of tools and guides to help improve your cultural competence.
If you have any feedback, please get in touch at
enquiries@ceh.org.au or (03) 9418 9929.