Resources in Chinese

Mental Health and COVID-19 videos

Mental Health and COVID-19 videos

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all. Some people may be finding it hard to cope. It’s okay to seek help. To help spread the message of looking after our mental health during COVID-19, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) partnered with...
Hepatitis and Covid-19

Hepatitis and Covid-19

Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Medications – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Testing – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Vaccinations – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Medications – Chinese language...

Translations in Hospitals

Emergency Department- patient messages The following translations were developed by the Hospitals and Translations Project (2020). Supported by CEH, a working group of clinicians and quality staff from 4 Victorian emergency departments, developed the English text...