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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all. Some people may be finding it hard to cope. It’s okay to seek help.

To help spread the message of looking after our mental health during COVID-19, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) partnered with The Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS) and Multicultural Alcohol and Drug Partnership (MDAP) to produce videos encouraging people to get help for their mental health.

The videos are available in Hindi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Dinka and Vietnamese.

Watch the videos below or on NWMPHN’s YouTube channel as a Playlist, and please share with your community.

Free interpreters and confidential support services are available. Call HeadToHelp on 1800 595 212 or see your GP

Stay Healthy, Get Help.

Video 1: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

VIETNAMESE community version: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

English Translation

Has the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted your life and you don’t know what to do?

Have you or someone you know lost their job or had other money problems?

Are you having trouble meeting your everyday needs?

It’s OK to need some extra support during these difficult times. And getting help early is better for you and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can contact HeadToHelp. HeadToHelp is a free and confidential mental health service for anyone in Victorian affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

There are free interpreters and confidential support services available. Call HeadToHelp on 1800 595 212 or see your GP

Stay Healthy, Get Help

HINDI community version: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

If someone had a physical injury or illness, you would encourage them to get treatment. Having a mental condition is no different.

In some cultures people believe that mental conditions is shameful or embarrassing but that is not the case anymore.

How someone behaves may indicate a mental health issue. If someone is not being their usual self or are acting differently, don’t ignore these signs.

Reach out and see if they are ok and help them get support if needed.

There are free interpreters and free or low-cost and confidential services that can help. Your GP is always a good place to start or you can contact HeadToHelp, a free new mental health service to help Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

This service is free for anyone living in Victoria, including people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

It’s OK to need support with our mental health. And getting help early is better for us and everyone around us.

Stay Healthy, Get Help Get Help, Stay healthy

DINKA community version: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

English Translation

Greetings all, today’s topic is mental health.

COVID-19 has affected everyone and it’s normal to be feeling overwhelmed or stressed during this outbreak.

In some cultures, some people believe that having mental health issues is shameful or embarrassing but that is not the case anymore.

In Australia, it’s considered positive to seek help if you are struggling with your mental health.

We encourage people who have experienced mental health issues in the past or are experiencing them now for the first time to: activate your support network acknowledge feelings of distress; and seek professional support early.

Social contact and maintaining routines can support our mental health and wellbeing.

Interpreters are free and there are confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

This includes free services like the Multicultural Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MDAP). Just google the name.

You can also call the free HeadToHelp mental health service on 1800 595 212 or google HeadToHelp.

Both MDAP and HeadToHelp are free no matter what your visa status is.

Your GP is another good place to get help.

Remember we’re all in this together! Stay Healthy, Get Help

CANTONESE community version: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

English Translation

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all.

For someone you know, it may have caused so much stress that they are not coping.

Maybe they’re always sad or angry, drinking too much, gambling or using drugs.

And getting help early for your mental health is better for you – and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are free interpreters and extra, confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

Call HeadToHelp on 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

MANDARIN community version: Stay healthy, get help for your mental health

English Translation

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all.

For someone you know, it may have caused so much stress that they are not coping.

Maybe they’re always sad or angry, drinking too much, gambling or using drugs.

But just asking if they are ok might change everything (life). And encouraging them to get help early for their mental health is better for them – and everyone around them.

They can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians.

The HeadToHelp service is free and confidential for anyone in Victoria.

This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are also free interpreters available.

Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

Video 2 – Why your mental health matters – doctor version

VIETNAMESE doctor version: Dr David Hiep Phan on why your mental health matters

HINDI doctor version: Dr Vinay Lakra on why your mental health matters

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

It’s OK to need some extra support during these difficult times.

Alcohol and drug use, gambling, excessive gaming and family violence are often linked with poor mental health.

Your mental health is just as important as physical health – for you and everyone around you.

There are free interpreters and confidential support services available.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can contact HeadToHelp.

HeadToHelp is a free and confidential mental health service for anyone in Victorian affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

So don’t hesitate, get support now.

Call HeadToHelp on 1800 595 212 or see your GP

Stay Healthy, Get Help

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

If you have a physical injury or illness, you would see a doctor.

Having a mental illness is no different. And remember, discrimination in the workplace against someone with a mental illness is unlawful in Australia.

There are free interpreters and extra, confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

It’s OK to need support with your mental health. And getting help early is better for you and everyone around you. S

o call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

CANTONESE doctor version: Dr Zhongyu Yuan on why your mental health matters

MANDARIN doctor 1: Dr Guan Ye on why your mental health matters

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

And getting help early for your mental health is better for you – and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are free interpreters and confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

These services are free irrespective of your visa status. Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

MANDARIN doctor 2: Dr Steven Lu on why your mental health matters

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

And getting help early for your mental health is better for you – and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are free interpreters and confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

These services are free irrespective of your visa status.

Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

And getting help early for your mental health is better for you – and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are free interpreters and confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

These services are free irrespective of your visa status.

Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

MANDARIN doctors: Dr Guan Ye and Dr Steven Lu on why your mental health matters

English Translation

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives and you are not alone if you’ve found it hard to cope.

And getting help early for your mental health is better for you – and everyone around you.

Your GP is always a good place to start or you can call HeadToHelp, a new mental health service for Victorians affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The HeadToHelp service is free for anyone living in Victoria. This includes people on student, bridging and temporary visas.

There are free interpreters and confidential services to support people during this difficult time.

These services are free irrespective of your visa status.

Call HeadToHelp 1800 595 212 or see your GP.

Stay Healthy, Get Help

Languages: Chinese Chinese (Simplified) Dinka Hindi Vietnamese

Resource Type: Video