Long COVID translated fact sheet & audio recording This fact sheet, developed by the Victorian Department of Health, has been translated into nine languages as a written fact sheet, and 5 languages as an audio recording. It raises awareness of Long COVID and...
CEH has developed three training videos in partnership with the Summer Foundation’s Upskill project. These videos complement CEH’s Working across cultures in the NDIS workshops, by taking a deeper look at three important tools of cross-cultural communication in the...
Getting medical help on weekends, public holidays and at night is a resource designed for migrants living in Victoria and explains the different options available if they need medical help after hours or on weekends. It also explains when to attend the emergency...
This resource is designed for migrants and refugees and provides health information on tuberculosis (also known as TB). It explains the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease, the symptoms of active TB, how TB is spread and how to prevent it from...
This resource is designed to help migrants living in Victoria to navigate and understand the Australian medical system. It briefly explains Medicare and Centrelink cards and the entitlements they offer, how to book a doctor appointment, what bulk billing means, the...