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Tip Sheet 1 – Plain Language Writing

Over the past 5 years CEH has researched plain language extensively.

We found that plain language works for everyone! Plain language information makes it easier for people with all levels of understanding navigate complex system and make informed decisions.

This information is condensed into our highly practical eLearning ‘Reach more people with plain language writing‘. The framework and links in these infographics come from the course. If you find these helpful, check out the full course.

If you have any questions about how you can use plain language writing to make your services easier to understand and use for everyone, drop me an email –

▪ Plain language has evolved significantly over the past 75 years—from a focus on crafting clear sentences to creating effective multimedia, electronic, or paper communications.

▪ Research tells us that most readability formulas are outdated methods for assessing text quality. Usability testing is the best benchmark for assessing text quality and plain language.

▪ The growing empirical evidence suggests that plain language works for everyone— young and old, experts and novices, first-language readers and second-language readers

Check out this useful resource:

Plain Language in the US Gains Momentum: 1940–2015

Check out this useful resource:

US Federal Government PlainLanguage Guidelines

Check out these useful resources:

The generosity of plain English

Be concise 


Check out these useful resources;

1/ Plain Language Word and Phrase Swap, Department of Health and Human services tasmania

2/ Plain Language Medical Dictionary, University of Michigan Library

Check out this useful resource;

Write actionable contact – US Department of Health & Human Services

Check out this useful resource;

Design for reading –