How Can We Help?
This resource was inspired by previous projects in the field of stigma, discrimination and rights in the area of Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) and Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STIs).
These series of pictures have been designed to help educators and trainers facilitate discussion around the stigma and discrimination that people who may have a BBV or an STI may face.
The pictures can be used as a set or can be used individually. A short description and a set of sample questions/prompts are given to facilitate the discussions. The pictures can be used as whole group discussion or divided up in smaller groups of people.
The aim of this toolkit is to decrease stigmatised views and discriminatory attitudes, increase awareness around BBV and STI, and help to dissipate myths and falsehoods around these illnesses. The facilitators are encouraged to seek authoritative sites and organisations so that information and facts around healthy relationships, transmission, symptoms and treatments of the major BBV and STI can be provided.
Last reviewed: November 2023
Target audience: General
Resource Type: Brochures Tip/Fact Sheets Tools