We can assist you to be more culturally responsive

Is your organisation effective and prompt in your cultural response?

Using our in-depth cultural expertise, we can work with your organisation’s projects, resource-development and service delivery to further develop your cultural responsiveness.



How we work with you:

Project Management

We have designed and managed many projects, for a range of large and small organisations to increase cultural competence, improve or evaluate service delivery and cross-cultural communication. We have also worked with many people to build awareness through social marketing, created inclusive policy and help them broaden access to their services.

An example of our Project Management:

Health Translations Directory

The Department of Health & Human Services asked us to manage and improve the Health Translations Directory. This useful online resource assists health practitioners and the community by providing reliable, translated health information. The directory now has over 13,000 multi-lingual health resources easily accessible, and we are adding new resources, every day.
Read more about this project here.


Cultural Competence

Working with you we can help identify areas of strength and weakness in the areas of cultural competence. By undertaking a full service review, we can help you identify where your organisation can improve and provide recommendations on the next steps to make it happen.

An example of a review:

Parks Victoria Audit

CEH worked closely with Parks Victoria throughout 2016 to assess the organisations cultural competence in areas ranging from policies, procedures and planning processes to community and visitor engagement. The review included a comprehensive document audit, a staff survey targeting 1,000 staff and volunteers as well as in depth interviews with key organisational representatives.

Parks Victoria will use the findings to:

  • strengthen cultural responsiveness in its existing services and practices
  • develop more culturally inclusive resources
  • and ensure Victoria’s parks and waterways are accessible and welcoming to all Victorians.

Resource Development:

We can help you produce a range of print and multimedia resources for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences, as well as training guides and support materials for service providers.

An example of our Resource Development:

Teach Back in a Hepatitis B context

We developed this resource to demonstrate the use of Teach Back in a Hepatitis B context.

Teach back is a technique clinicians can use with clients to reduce the chance of misunderstanding important health information. The technique can assist patients to understand and engage in their own care and improves health literacy. This resource has been developed in partnership with St. Vincent’s Hospital and the Melbourne Primary Care Network.

Find out how your organisation can benefit from our services


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