How Can We Help?
‘Where do I go when…? A Community Service guide for the northern suburbs of Melbourne’ was developed in consultation with newly-arrived Syrians and Iraqis living in the Hume & Whittlesea area.
It is designed to increase their awareness of community services available in their local area, and how to contact them. Newly-arrived communities often lack knowledge about services available to them, or may have incorrect information about their cost and eligibility. As several thousand people fleeing the Syria and Iraq conflicts have settled in the Hume and Whittlesea area since 2016, there is a need for information on housing, disability, aged care and children and family services.
At the same time, newly-arrived migrants are eager to connect with the larger community, through studying, volunteering, finding activities for their children or for themselves. This online resource in English and Arabic provides information about options and local services that can contribute to the settlement process for these communities.
Last reviewed: May 2018
Target Audience: General

Resource Type: Brochures Tip/Fact Sheets