How Can We Help?
Anti Viral – Covid Safer Resources
CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS) has developed co-designed resources focusing on young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This project was enabled by additional funding from the DHHS, our partnership with PaperGiant and the young people involved throughout.
The script and images were created and tested by refugee and migrant young people.
The comics focus on eight different health topics related to issues that have impacted young people during the pandemic including sexual health.
They are visually engaging and portray the choices and issues that young people may face.
Please share these with other organisations and the young people you work with.
How to use these resources
These resources will be available in downloadable posters and via social media to increase access for young people.
Each comic can be used as stand-alone, or as discussion tools to engage young people and stimulate discussions about their lifestyles, the choices they make, and the best ways to stay healthy during the pandemic.
Last reviewed: Sept 2020
Target audience: General

Resource Type: Brochures Tip/Fact Sheets