Partnering with Spiritual Leaders to Prevent HIV Transmission and Eliminate Stigma in Refugee and Migrant Communities

On 11 March 2014, 45 participants gathered for the Multicultural Sexual Health Network (MSHN) forum at the Department of Health in Melbourne.
The meeting focused on establishing stronger partnerships between service providers and faith-based institutions in addressing HIV risks and stigma in high prevalence migrant and refugee communities.
The forum was informed by the recognition that spiritual leaders have an important role to play in preventing HIV transmission, tackling stigma and providing care to people living with HIV (PLHIV).
As faith-based institutions are grounded in their communities, spiritual leaders have great influence over their congregations and enjoy credibility among community members. As a result, spiritual leaders and their institutions have an opportunity to make a real difference in addressing HIV/AIDS.
Read a full summary of the‘hand in hand: partnering with spiritual leaders in preventing HIV transmission and eliminating stigma in migrant and refugee communities’ MSHN Forum.
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