Cultural Competence Training Courses

Our Cultural Competence Training can help you work better with migrants and refugees.

3 out of 10 Australians were born overseas.

5 out of 10 Australians have at least one parent born overseas.

As a result, you need to provide services to migrant and refugee clients who have a huge range of:

  • Languages they prefer to communicate in
  • Cultural ideas about how to communicate
  • Ideas about what services are available to them
  • Ideas about how those services should be delivered

We can help your organisation and your staff work better with these complex dynamics.
We’ve been helping organisations across Australia work effectively with migrants and refugees for over 25 years. Our high quality, reasonably priced training is evidence based, practical, interactive and engaging. We draw on 25 years’ experience of what works to give your staff the skills and knowledge to work better across language and culture.

Our training is available online and face-to-face.

Call or email us for more information

Email:  or Call  03 948 9929

We can help you:


Reduce language barriers

Reduce language barriers through interpreters and translations


Develop skills & knowledge

Develop staff skills and knowledge for working with migrants and refugees


Self reflection

Help staff reflect on how their own culture impacts work with migrants and refugees


Improve communications

Improve your written and spoken communication


Effective engagement

Engage effectively with migrant and refugee communities


Create inclusive environment

Create an inclusive work environment for a diverse workforce


Work with different cultures

Work with different cultural understandings of health and healthcare.

Choose your prefered delivery mode

Face To Face Cultural competence Training & Presentations:

We offer generalist and specialist trainings and presentations on a wide range of topics relating to culture and delivering services.  We can deliver training at your location or at ours.

Call us on 9418 9912 to create a custom training from our comprehensive knowledge base.

Online Cultural Competence training:

Introduction to Cultural Competence Suite.
The cultural competence suite has 3 units. The suite can be tailored give your staff:

  • a quick introduction
  • or a more in depth look at the practical skills needed for cross cultural communication and interpreter use.

Click here find out about pricing, content and implementation.