What your score means?
The maximum score = 310
If you scored more than 200
Your total score shows that you have many of the attitudes and beliefs that foster and promote cultural competence at the individual practitioner level. You also demonstrate good overall knowledge, as well as many of the skills and capabilities that are necessary to work effectively with clients from migrant and refugee backgrounds. It is important to remember that cultivating cultural competence is a lifelong endeavour. You should continue to learn and apply your knowledge.
If you scored between 100 and 199
While your total score indicates that you have many of the attitudes, beliefs and skills that foster and promote cultural competence at the individual practitioner level, there are still some areas where you could improve. It is important to remember that with time and effort, you can continue to develop your knowledge and skills. The very act of undertaking the reflection is a positive step towards acknowledging the importance of cultural competence in your role and work with clients from migrant and refugee communities.
If you scored below 99
Based on your total score, it appears there are several areas where you could improve your knowledge, understanding and skills related to cultural competence at the individual practitioner level. It is important to remember that with time and effort, you can continue to develop your knowledge and skills. The very act of undertaking the reflection is a positive step towards acknowledging the importance of cultural competence in your role and work with clients from migrant and refugee communities.
Next steps:
Whatever your score, it is important to continue to build on your strengths and to address areas that require further development. We suggest reviewing your domain scores to identify the specific areas where additional training and learning may be beneficial.
CEH offers a range of training options and further resources on cultural competence.
For training, go to: https://www.ceh.org.au/training/
For resources, go to: https://www.ceh.org.au/resource-hub/
If you would like more information or additional support, contact us at:
A reminder that cultural competence does not have an endpoint. It is a process that requires ongoing learning and reflection.
Completing this tool is a great indicator of your commitment to improving your cultural competence, congratulations!