8. Community Engagement
Cultural competence in community engagement occurs when organisations and migrant and refugee communities work together to identify issues and find solutions. It is about establishing relationships with individuals and groups, sharing information, consulting and working together to plan, design and deliver projects and initiatives that address everyone’s needs.
What your score means?
The maximum score = 150
If you scored between 101 and 150
Your overall score indicates that cultural competence is an important consideration in the way your organisation plans and delivers services to people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Your organisation values cultural diversity and inclusion and considers the needs and issues affecting vulnerable communities across most domains.
If you scored between 51 and 100
Your overall score indicates that your organisation is taking positive steps towards cultural competence. You are able to demonstrate many elements of cultural competence is the way your organisation plans and delivers services to people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. However, there are also gaps that require attention.
If you scored below 50
Your overall score indicates that although your organisation is taking positive steps towards cultural competence, there are also some significant gaps that require attention.
Next steps:
Whatever your score, it is important for your organisation to continue to build on its strengths and current initiatives, and to develop strategies to address any gaps within the domains. We recommend you develop an Action Plan, using the indicator scores, comments and additional resources sections listed in each domain.
In addition to the resources listed at the end of each section, CEH also offers a range of training options and further resources on cultural competence.
For training, go to: https://www.ceh.org.au/training/
For resources, go to: https://www.ceh.org.au/resource-hub/
If you would like any further information or require additional support, contact us at:
A reminder that cultural competence does not have an endpoint. It is a process that requires ongoing learning and reflection.
Completing this assessment is a great indicator of your commitment to enhancing your organisation's cultural competence, congratulations!