Pictured: Peer educators, bilingual health facilitators, Cancer Council Victoria (CCV) staff & CEH staff, celebrating earlier this month, the end of the PHN (Primary Health Network) Viral Hepatitis Project with the Multicultural Health Support Services (MHSS) team

The campaign reached hundreds of people across the Thai, Filipino and Chinese communities in Melbourne, raising awareness about hepatitis B & C. To address the high prevalence of the virus within these communities, the project encouraged  people to get tested, look after their health and also worked towards reducing fear around the subject. We thank our collaborators & partners: Cancer Council Victoria, and St Vincent’s Hospital

Community statistics
• 1 in 13 Chinese Victorians have hepatitis B or C.
• 1 in 25 Filipino Victorians have hepatitis B or C.
• 1 in 18 Thai Victorians have hepatitis B or C.

 Key messages

• Hepatitis often shows no symptoms, but it can lead to liver damage and liver cancer if left untreated.
• There is a vaccine that protects you against hepatitis B.
• Protect yourself and your family. Ask your doctor for a simple blood test today.
• Hepatitis B can be treated
• Hepatitis C can be cured.
• Visit: www.cancervic.org.au/hep-chinese / www.cancervic.org.au/hep-thai / www.cancervic.org.au/hep-filipino for more information.