Engaging with refugee and migrant communities on sensitive issues – Sexual Health, BBV & STIs
Talking about sexual health can be very sensitive and often a taboo topic for many people from migrant and refugee communities. We work with organisations to increase their culturally competent sexual health knowledge and to encourage workers’ to engage in these sometimes tricky conversations about sexual health, blood borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections. Health and welfare professional are perfectly placed to dispel myths, breakdown barriers and provide the most accurate information about services, prevention, treatment and testing. Our training aim to increase workers’ knowledge and confidence to begin these conversations.
Learning Outcomes
• Increase understanding of the link between culture & health
• Increase understanding of the impact of migration & settlement on health
• Increase understanding of the cultural perceptions regarding HIV, hepatitis & STIs and how these impact on accessing services, understanding the illness and treatment.
Price: Send a request
Topics: BBV/STI prevention, transmission and treatment
Delivery Mode: Face to Face