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World Hepatitis Day 2020
This year we took World Hepatitis Day online. Finding digital ways to spread the message of hepatitis care and connect with the community.
CEH’s Peer Education Project, a program of the Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS), Will be running ZOOM sessions for international students of Indian descent.
CALD Cancer Screening Project – University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne, the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, CEH and VCS Foundation are undertaking a project to understand how culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups engage in breast, bowel and cervical Screening Programs.
HT funding announcement
CEH has welcomed a funding announcement from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that CEH will continue to manage Health Translations for the next 3 years.
From “What’s the Problem?” to “What’s Going Well”
Almost half of all Australians aged 16 to 85 years — 7.3 million people — will experience mental health issues at some point in their life.
Health Literacy – Helping clients in COVID-19
Community health organisation cohealth, has been using #health literacy frameworks and tools to make their services easier to use.
Understanding and working across cultures in the NDIS
Supported by funding from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, CEH’s Understanding the NDIS training for interpreters in Victoria was a two-year project that has just come to completion.
Care and access for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
This month, CEH’s Multicultural Drug & Alcohol Partnership (MDAP) conducted two training sessions for managers and workers in the Alcohol and other Drugs (AoD) sector around improving care and access for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Developing community health educators into the future
In the second half of 2020, CEH has been engaged by the Ballarat Community Health Centre (BCHC) to develop and deliver a train the trainer, peer education module to community members in Ballarat.
Following the Refugee Week: celebrating the year of Welcome
Following on from last week’s refugee stories, MHSS would like to share two more stories from our community members from migrant backgrounds with similar experiences.
Refugee Week: celebrating the year of Welcome June 14-20, 2020
Refugee Week aims to highlight aspects of the refugee experience and help the broader community to understand what it is like to be a refugee.
International Student Sexual Health Network (ISSHN ) Meeting
CEH’s International Student Sexual Health Network (ISSHN ) is an Australian wide network
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