Our Latest News
SEXtember Forum 2021 – Community, COVID and Choice
This SEXtember, we joined with 1800 My Options to organise the 2021 SEXtember forum: “Community, COVID & Choice – Supporting Migrant’s Access to Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare”. Read more for a wrap up of the discussion.
Understanding Long COVID Workshop
A workshop for bicultural and bilingual workers, to help you understand Long COVID and how it can affect your community.
Hear From Our Latest Health Literacy Course Graduates
Hear from our latest #healthliteracy course graduates on how they’ve made their services easier to use.
Cultural Competence in Sexual Health
Kanwal Saleem of CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service, recently spoke about ‘Cultural Competence in Sexual Health Care’ and its importance for people from migrant and refugee backgrounds as part of the Learn over Lunch (LoL) series.
Long COVID in CALD Communities
CEH has been funded by the Victorian Department of Health to raise awareness about Long COVID in 10 culturally diverse communities across six Local Government Areas. These communities were selected due to the number of COVID-19 cases they recorded in the past year.
Vaccine Voices
CEH is one of three agencies involved in a new state-wide project aimed at encouraging vaccination in CALD Communities: Vaccine Voices.
World Hepatitis Day 2021
Wednesday 28 July 2021 marks World Hepatitis Day (WHD). WHD is acknowledged each year to bring the world together to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change. This year’s theme is ‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait‘.
Get your Jab! Videos in 20 languages
A joint venture initiative has produced a new video campaign aiming to boost the uptake of the coronavirus vaccine among Melbourne’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Refugee Week 2021 – Celebrating Unity in Diversity
June 20 – 26 is Refugee Week 2021. We acknowledge the important contributions of people from a refugee, asylum seeker, and humanitarian migrant background as part of our workforce, and their invaluable contributions to civic and community life.
Helping AoD workers work better with migrant & refugee clients
In collaboration with the Multicultural Drug & Alcohol Partnership, the CEH training team is delivering FREE WORKSHOPS for the Alcohol & other Drugs Sector.
Peer Education – What Works and Why?
The Multicultural Health and Support Services (MHSS) recently underwent a review process of their Peer Education Project using the What Works Why Framework developed by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at Latrobe University.
Multicultural Drug & Alcohol Partnership Community Forum June 5th
Join MDAP and their partner organisations for a community forum on June 5th 1pm, in partnership with the South Sudanese community.
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